Immaculate Conception Catholic Church (Boscobel)

405 East LeGrand Street, 53805 – Boscobel (Wisconsin)

immaculate conception catholic church boscobel 53805

If you arrived here is because you desire to be aware of the times of masses at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church (Boscobel), is for that reason that you have reached the correct web directory, because below you will have extensive information related with this Boscobel church.

⌚ Mass Times at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church (Boscobel)

Below, we will let you see some data exposing the mass times at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, with different schedules, both morning, afternoon and evening hours of the place of worship.

🗓 Day☀ Time (Morning)🌑 Time (Afternoon)
Monday 8:00 AM (Christ Prince of Peace - Not During Lent)
7:00 PM (Christ Prince of Peace - During Lent)
Tuesday 8:00 AM (St. Lawrence)
Wednesday 8:00 AM (Christ Prince of Peace - During the Summer)
9:00 AM (Christ Prince of Peace - During School Year)
Thursday 8:00 AM (St. Lawrence)
Friday 8:00 AM (Christ Prince of Peace)
Saturday-5:00 PM (Christ Prince of Peace)
Sunday9:00 AM (St. Lawrence)
11:00 AM (Christ Prince of Peace)
7:00 PM (St. Lawrence)

🧎‍♀️ Schedules of confession and services at this temple

Below, we show you the confession schedules and more services at this Catholic Church.

Saturday: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM St. Lawrence – 1st Saturday of each month 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Christ Prince of Peace – except the first Saturday of the month

Eucharistic Adoration Times Wednesday: 9:45 AM to 4:00 PM Christ, Prince of Peace

✝️ Contact about this temple and photo of the day

Full name Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Address 405 East LeGrand Street
Postal Code 53805
City Boscobel
State Wisconsin
Country United States
Telephone +1 (608) 375-4257
Email [email protected]
quote06 min

🗺️ Location of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

If you want to find the signals to go to Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in the city of Boscobel (Wisconsin), following you’re gonna see the complete plan accompanied by the indications in order to make it much simpler for you to come to this church.

More Masses in the vicinity of Boscobel

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