Saint Joseph Catholic Church (Waxahachie)

609 Kaufman St., 75165-3406 – Waxahachie (Texas)

saint joseph catholic church waxahachie 75165 3406

If you have come to our website is due to the fact that you want to know about the Mass times at Saint Joseph Catholic Church (Waxahachie), for this reason you have reached the accurate directory, and it is because in this article you have a big quantity of details referring to this Waxahachie church.

⌚ Mass Times at Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Waxahachie

Following, we will let you see the table notifying the mass times at Saint Joseph Catholic Church, with different schedules, morning, afternoon and evening of the church.

🗓 Day☀ Time (Morning)🌑 Time (Afternoon)
Thursday- 6:30 PM
Sunday8:00 AM (bilingual)
11:30 AM

🙏 Schedules of confession and services at this catholic church

Then, we show you the schedule of confessions and services at this parish.

In 2025 it is not known any confession schedule and more services at Saint Joseph Catholic Church de Waxahachie ().

✝️ Data of interest of this temple of this parish and daily phrase

Full name Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Address 609 Kaufman St.
Postal Code 75165-3406
City Waxahachie
State Texas
Country United States
Telephone +1 (972) 938-1953
quote09 min

🚗 Location of this church

If you want to know the references to go to Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Waxahachie (Texas), below you can have a look at a complete plan together with the references in order to make it simpler for you to come to this place.

⛪ Other churches next to Waxahachie

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