St. Mary Catholic Church (Lincoln)

14th and K Sts., 68508 – Lincoln (Nebraska)

st mary catholic church lincoln 68508

If you have entered our website is because you desire to find out about the times of masses at St. Mary Catholic Church (Lincoln), is for that reason that you are in the accurate web directory, and it’s because in this article you will observe a lot of information about this church in the city of Lincoln (Nebraska).

πŸ•’ Mass Times at St. Mary Catholic Church – Lincoln 2025

Below, we will show you the data announcing the mass times at St. Mary Catholic Church, with different schedules, both morning and evening of this Catholic Church.

πŸ—“ Dayβ˜€ Time (Morning)πŸŒ‘ Time (Afternoon)
Wednesday 9:00 AM
Thursday 9:00 AM
Friday 9:00 AM
7:00 PM (Spanish)
Saturday-5:00 PM (Vigil)
7:00 PM (Vigil (Spanish)
Sunday8:00 AM (Spanish)
10:00 AM
12:00 PM (Spanish)
5:00 PM (Spanish)

Confessions and other services at this place of worship

Later, you will be able to browse the schedule of confessions and services at St. Mary Catholic Church de Lincoln (Nebraska).

Right now we do not know any schedule of confessions and services at St. Mary Catholic Church de Lincoln ().

β›ͺ Contact data about this place of worship and daily image

Full name St. Mary Catholic Church
Address 14th and K Sts.
Postal Code 68508
City Lincoln
State Nebraska
Country United States
Telephone +1 (402) 435-2125
quote09 min

Location of this church

If you desire to check out all indications in order to get to St. Mary Catholic Church of Lincoln (Nebraska), following you can have a look at a map with the signals in order to make it simpler for you arrive at this place.

πŸ—ΊοΈ More Masses within walking distance of Lincoln

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