St. Christopher Catholic Church (N. Las Vegas)

1840 North Bruce St., 89030 – N. Las Vegas (Nevada)

st christopher catholic church n las vegas 89030

If you are around here is because you desire to find out about the times of masses at St. Christopher Catholic Church (N. Las Vegas), so you have found the best webpage, because here you will observe extensive information of this church.

🕗 All Mass Times at St. Christopher Catholic Church

Then, we will let you see some data detailing the mass times at St. Christopher Catholic Church de N. Las Vegas (Nevada), with different schedules, morning, afternoon and evening of this Catholic Church.

🗓 Day ☀ Time (Morning) 🌑 Time (Afternoon)
Monday 8:30 AM
Tuesday 8:30 AM 6:00 PM (Spanish)
Wednesday 8:30 AM
Thursday 8:30 AM 6:00 PM (Spanish)
Friday 8:30 AM
Saturday 5:00 PM (English)
7:00 PM (Spanish)
Sunday 6:30 AM (Spanish)
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM (Spanish)
2:00 PM (Spanish)
7:00 PM (Spanish)
Holy Day 8:30 AM 5:00 PM (English)
7:00 PM (Spanish)

Schedule of confession and other services at this place of worship

Below, we will let you see the confession schedule and other services at this parish.

Thursdays 5:00-6:45 PM (Spanish)

Daily Rosary Monday – Friday 8:00 AM

⛪ Contact information of this church and daily photo

Full name St. Christopher Catholic Church
Address 1840 North Bruce St.
Postal Code 89030
City N. Las Vegas
State Nevada
Country United States
Telephone +1 702-642-1154
quote01 min

🧭 Location of this church

If you want to know all indications to be able to go to this parish, here below you will be able to see a complete map accompanied by the signs in order to make it much simpler for you to arrive at the destination.

🚗 Parishes next to N. Las Vegas

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