2230 Rochester Road, 15237 – Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)
If you have come to our website is because of the fact that you want to be aware of which is the Mass times at St. John Neumann Catholic Church (Pittsburgh), so you are currently in the perfect website, and it’s because below you’ll see all the details about this church in the city of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania).
⌚ Mass Times at St. John Neumann Catholic Church (Pittsburgh)
Then, you will be able to browse an index notifying the mass times at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, with different schedules, day and night of this Catholic Church.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Saturday | - | 6:00 PM (Vigil) |
Sunday | 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM | 7:00 PM 2:30 PM |
Schedules of confession and services at this church
Then, you will be able to see the schedule for confession and services at this place.
⛪ Information of this church and phrase of the day
Full name | St. John Neumann Catholic Church |
Address | 2230 Rochester Road |
Postal Code | 15237 |
City | Pittsburgh |
State | Pennsylvania |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (412) 366-2020 |
Website | http://stjohnneumannpgh.org/ |
[email protected] |
🗺️ How to get to St. John Neumann Catholic Church?
If you want to find all references to get to this site, then you will see the complete plan accompanied by the references in order to make it simpler for you to arrive at the destination.