Ss. Cyril, Methodius (Ukrainian) Catholic Church (Olyphant)

135 River St., 18447 – Olyphant (Pennsylvania)

ss cyril methodius ukrainian catholic church olyphant 18447

If you have reached our website is because of the fact that you desire to discover the Mass schedule at Ss. Cyril, Methodius (Ukrainian) Catholic Church (Olyphant), for this reason you are located in the right site, because here you have all the information referring to this Olyphant parish.

⌛ Mass Times at Ss. Cyril, Methodius (Ukrainian) Catholic Church (Olyphant)

Here below, we are going to provide you a table detailing the mass times at Ss. Cyril, Methodius (Ukrainian) Catholic Church de Olyphant (Pennsylvania), with different schedules, both mornings and evenings of this place of worship.

🗓 Day☀ Time (Morning)🌑 Time (Afternoon)
Sunday8:00 AM

🧎‍♀️ Confessions and other services at this temple

Here below, you will see the schedule of confessions and services at this place of worship.

Currently there is no information of any calendar for confessions and other services at this place of worship.

✝️ More information of this temple of this parish and daily image

Full name Ss. Cyril, Methodius (Ukrainian) Catholic Church
Address 135 River St.
Postal Code 18447
City Olyphant
State Pennsylvania
Country United States
Telephone +1 570-291-4451
quote12 min

🧭 Location of this parish

If you desire to find out all indications to get to this site, further down you will be able to see a complete plan together with the indications in order to make it much easier for you to arrive at the temple.

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