St. Alphonsus Catholic Church (Maple Glen)

33 Conwell Dr., 19002 – Maple Glen (Pennsylvania)

st alphonsus catholic church maple glen 19002

If you are in this section is because you desire to find out the times of masses at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church (Maple Glen), therefore you have found the correct webpage, because below you will observe all the details about St. Alphonsus Catholic Church (Maple Glen).

🕐All Mass Times at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church

Following, we will let you see the table detailing the mass times at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church de Maple Glen (Pennsylvania), with different schedules, morning, afternoon and evening of this Catholic Church.

🗓 Day☀ Time (Morning)🌑 Time (Afternoon)
Saturday-6:00 PM

🙏 Schedule of confessions and services at this temple

Here below, you will see the confession schedules and more services at this temple.

Nowadays there is no record of any confession schedule and more services at this Catholic Church.

Data of interest of this church and daily photo

Full name St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
Address 33 Conwell Dr.
Postal Code 19002
City Maple Glen
State Pennsylvania
Country United States
Telephone +1 (215) 646-4600
Email [email protected]
quote23 min

🚗 Location of this place

If you want to know the references to get to this church, below you can browse a map together with the signals in order to make it simpler for you to arrive at the destination.

Other parishes within walking distance of Maple Glen

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