610 SAINT GEORGE STREET, 17837-1842 – Lewisburg (Pennsylvania)
If you have come here is because you pretend to know which is the times of masses at Bucknell University Catholic Campus Ministry Catholic Church of Lewisburg (Pennsylvania), so you have reached the correct website, and it’s because in this section you’ll find the best information referring to this Catholic church.
🕖 Mass Times at Bucknell University Catholic Campus Ministry Catholic Church 2025
Below, you will see some data informing of the mass times at Bucknell University Catholic Campus Ministry Catholic Church (Lewisburg), with different schedules, both morning, afternoon and evening hours of this church.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Sunday | - | 12:00 PM |
Schedules of confession and services at this church
Below, you will see the schedule for confession and services at this Catholic Church.
⛪ Contact about this church and photo of the day
Full name | Bucknell University Catholic Campus Ministry Catholic Church |
Postal Code | 17837-1842 |
City | Lewisburg |
State | Pennsylvania |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (570) 577-3300 |
Website | https://www.bucknell.edu/ccm |
[email protected] |
🚗 How to get to this church?
If you want to find all references in order to get to this church, below you have the map with the references in order to make it much easier for you to come to this church.
🧭 Masses around Lewisburg
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