604 N. Laurel Street, 18201-4398 – Hazleton (Pennsylvania)
If you arrived here is because you pretend to know what is the times of masses at St. Joseph [Slovak] Catholic Church (Hazleton), that´s why you are located in the perfect directory, because in this section you will have all the information about this Catholic church of Hazleton (Pennsylvania).
📅 Mass Times at St. Joseph [Slovak] Catholic Church – Hazleton 2024
Below, we will provide you the data informing of the mass times at St. Joseph [Slovak] Catholic Church (Hazleton), with different schedules, morning and evening of this church.
🧎♀️ Schedule of confessions and services at this place of worship
Following, we will provide you the confession schedule and other services at St. Joseph [Slovak] Catholic Church (Hazleton).
🙏 Data about this place of worship and photo of the day
Full name | St. Joseph [Slovak] Catholic Church |
Address | 604 N. Laurel Street |
Postal Code | 18201-4398 |
City | Hazleton |
State | Pennsylvania |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (570) 454-0881 |
Website | http://sscmparish.com/ |
[email protected] |
📍 Location of this church
If you wish to know the indications to get to this temple, further down you will be able to see the complete plan with the signals in order to make it much simpler for you to come to this place.
, Hazleton 18201-4398″]