Saint John the Baptist (Partner Parish with Holy Rosary) (Erie)

GPS Address: 509 East 26th St. – Mailing Address: 2701 East Avenue, 16504 – Erie (Pennsylvania)

saint john the baptist partner parish with holy rosary erie 16504

If you are in this section is because you want to know what is the Mass times at Saint John the Baptist (Partner Parish with Holy Rosary) (Erie), so you are currently in the best website, and it’s because in this webpage you’ll find a lot of information referring to this parish.

🕗 All Mass Times at Saint John the Baptist (Partner Parish with Holy Rosary) – Erie

Later, you will see the table detailing the mass times at Saint John the Baptist (Partner Parish with Holy Rosary) de Erie (Pennsylvania), with different schedules, both mornings and evenings of this church.

🗓 Day☀ Time (Morning)🌑 Time (Afternoon)
Monday 8:00 AM (Sts. Peter, Paul, Nauvoo)
5:30 PM (Sacred Heart, Warsaw)
Tuesday 7:00 AM (Holy Hour - Immaculate Conception, Carthage)
8:00 AM (Immaculate Conception, Carthage)
5:30 PM (St. Mary, Hamilton)
Wednesday 8:00 AM (Sts. Peter, Paul, Nauvoo)
5:30 PM (Sacred Heart, Dallas City)
Thursday 8:00 AM (Immaculate Conception, Carthage)
5:30 PM (Sacred Heart, Warsaw)
Friday 7:30 (AM Holy Hour - Sts. Peter, Paul, Nauvoo) (7:00 during summer months)
8:30 AM (Sts. Peter, Paul, Nauvoo) (8:00 during summer months)
5:30 PM (Immaculate Conception, Carthage)
Saturday-4:00 PM (Sacred Heart, Dallas City)
4:00 PM (Immaculate Conception, Carthage)
5:30 PM (Sts. Peter, Paul, Nauvoo)
5:30 PM (St. Mary, Hamilton)
Sunday8:00 AM (Sacred Heart, Warsaw)
8:00 AM (Sts. Peter, Paul, Nauvoo)
10:00 AM (Immaculate Conception, Carthage)
10:00 AM (Sacred Heart, Dallas City)

Confessions and other services at this parish

Following, we show you the schedule of confessions and services at this Catholic Church.

At this moment we do not know any confession schedule and more services at this site.

⛪ Contact about this temple and photo of the day

Full name Saint John the Baptist (Partner Parish with Holy Rosary)
Address GPS Address: 509 East 26th St. – Mailing Address: 2701 East Avenue
Postal Code 16504
City Erie
State Pennsylvania
Country United States
Telephone +1 (814) 454-2873
quote12 min

🧭 Location of Saint John the Baptist (Partner Parish with Holy Rosary)

If you wish to know the indications in order to get to Saint John the Baptist (Partner Parish with Holy Rosary), following you’re gonna see the complete map accompanied by the signals in order to make it much simpler for you arrive at this place.

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