Saint Casimir’s Church/Our Mother of Sorrows Parish (Erie)

629 Hess Ave., 16503 – Erie (Pennsylvania)

saint casimirs church our mother of sorrows parish erie 16503

If you arrived here is due to the fact that you request to find out the times of masses at Saint Casimir’s Church/Our Mother of Sorrows Parish (Erie), thatΒ΄s why you find yourself in the right site, and it’s because in this article you’ll find a big quantity of details referring to this parish of the city of Erie.

πŸ•– Mass Times at Saint Casimir’s Church/Our Mother of Sorrows Parish (Erie) 2025

Here below, we will provide you the table communicating the mass times at Saint Casimir’s Church/Our Mother of Sorrows Parish, with different schedules, both morning, afternoon and evening hours of the place of worship.

πŸ—“ Dayβ˜€ Time (Morning)πŸŒ‘ Time (Afternoon)
Saturday-4:00 PM (St. Julia Church, Weston)
Sunday9:30 AM (St. Julia Church, Weston)
8:00 AM (St. Joseph Church, Lincoln)
11:30 AM (St. Julia Church, Weston)
5:00 PM (St. Joseph Church, Lincoln)

Schedule of confessions and services at this temple

Then, you will be able to see the confession schedule and other services at this parish.

Right now there is no information of any schedule for confessions and services at this parish.

β›ͺ Information of this church and daily phrase

Full name Saint Casimir’s Church/Our Mother of Sorrows Parish
Address 629 Hess Ave.
Postal Code 16503
City Erie
State Pennsylvania
Country United States
Telephone +1 (814) 452-4832
quote10 min

Location of Saint Casimir’s Church/Our Mother of Sorrows Parish

If you desire to find out all references in order to get to Saint Casimir’s Church/Our Mother of Sorrows Parish of Erie (Pennsylvania), below you will be able to see a map accompanied by the indications in order to make it easier for you to come to this Catholic church.

🧭 Temples in the vicinity of Erie

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