13219 Monterey Ln., 17214 – Blue Ridge Summit (Pennsylvania)
If you are in this section is because you desire to find out what is the Mass times at St. Rita Catholic Church of Blue Ridge Summit (Pennsylvania), that´s why you are currently in the right directory, and it is because in this webpage you will have all the information regarding this parish of the city of Blue Ridge Summit.
⌚ Mass Times at St. Rita Catholic Church, Blue Ridge Summit
Later, you will be able to browse a table stating the mass times at St. Rita Catholic Church de Blue Ridge Summit (Pennsylvania), with different schedules, both morning and evening of the place of worship.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Monday | 8:00 AM (Sacred Heart Church) | - |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM (Sacred Heart Church) | - |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM (Sacred Heart Church) | - |
Thursday | 8:00 AM (Sacred Heart Church) | - |
Friday | 8:00 AM (Sacred Heart Church) | - |
Saturday | - | 4:30 PM (Vigil) 5:00 PM (St. Eulalia) 6:00 PM (Spanish) |
Sunday | 8:30 AM 10:30 AM (Spanish) | 7:00 PM |
Holy Days | 8:00 AM | 7:00 PM (or as posted) |
🛐 Schedule of confessions and services at this church
Later, we will let you see the schedule of confessions and services at this place.
Contact about this church and daily photo
Full name | St. Rita Catholic Church |
Address | 13219 Monterey Ln. |
Postal Code | 17214 |
City | Blue Ridge Summit |
State | Pennsylvania |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (717) 642-8815 |
Website | http://stritacc.org/ |
[email protected] |
🚗 Location of this place
If you want to find all references to go to St. Rita Catholic Church (Blue Ridge Summit), further down you have the complete map with the signals in order to make it much easier for you arrive at the church.