St. Basil Catholic Church (Lancaster)

3657 Walden Ave, 14043 – Lancaster (New York)

st basil catholic church lancaster 14043

If you have reached our website is because you want to be aware of which is the Mass times at St. Basil Catholic Church (Lancaster), therefore you are currently in the accurate web directory, and it is because here you will observe the details regarding this Catholic church of Lancaster (New York).

⌚ Mass Times at St. Basil Catholic Church (Lancaster) 2025

Below, you will be able to browse the data announcing the mass times at St. Basil Catholic Church de Lancaster (New York), with different schedules, both morning and evening of the church.

🗓 Day☀ Time (Morning)🌑 Time (Afternoon)
Monday 7:30 AM
Tuesday 7:30 AM
Thursday 7:30 AM
Friday 7:30 AM
Saturday-4:30 PM (Vigil)
Sunday9:00 AM

Confessions and other services at this catholic church

Here below, we will provide you the schedule for confession and services at this temple.

Before Mass, by appointment

✝️ Contact about this place of worship and photo of the day

Full name St. Basil Catholic Church
Address 3657 Walden Ave
Postal Code 14043
City Lancaster
State New York
Country United States
Telephone +1 (716) 683-0313
quote11 min

🧭 Location of St. Basil Catholic Church

If you want to find the references to go to this place, then we show you the complete plan with the signs in order to make it simpler for you to arrive at the temple.

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