St. James Major Catholic Church (Lake Pleasant)

Rt. 8, 12108 – Lake Pleasant (New York)

st james major catholic church lake pleasant 12108

If you are in this webpage is because of the fact that you pretend to have information about the Mass schedule at St. James Major Catholic Church (Lake Pleasant), for that very reason you are located in the best website, because below you have extensive information related with St. James Major Catholic Church (Lake Pleasant).

🕖 All Mass Times at St. James Major Catholic Church 2025

Later, we will provide you the table informing of the mass times at St. James Major Catholic Church (Lake Pleasant), with different schedules, morning, afternoon and evening of this church.

🗓 Day☀ Time (Morning)🌑 Time (Afternoon)
Monday 8:00 AM
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Friday 8:00 AM
Sunday7:30 AM
10:45 AM

🛐 Schedules of confession and services at this place of worship

Below, we will provide you the schedule of confessions and services at St. James Major Catholic Church (Lake Pleasant).

Right now it is not known any calendar for confessions and other services at this place.

⛪ Data of interest about this church and daily image

Full name St. James Major Catholic Church
Address Rt. 8
Postal Code 12108
City Lake Pleasant
State New York
Country United States
Telephone +1 (518) 548-6275
quote09 min

Location of this church

If you intend to know the signals in order to get to St. James Major Catholic Church, then you can have a look at the complete plan accompanied by the references in order to make it simpler for you arrive at this sacred place.

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