22 Jefferson St, 14731 – Ellicottville (New York)
If you have come to our website is because you desire to be aware of which is the Mass times at Holy Name Of Mary Catholic Church of Ellicottville (New York), consequently you have found the correct web directory, because in this section you will have extensive information related with this Ellicottville church.
Mass Times at Holy Name Of Mary Catholic Church, Ellicottville
Later, we will provide you an index informing of the mass times at Holy Name Of Mary Catholic Church, with different schedules, morning, afternoon and evening of the Catholic Church.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM | - |
Thursday | 8:00 AM | - |
Saturday | - | 4:00 PM |
Sunday | 10:00 AM | - |
🛐 Confessions and other services at this temple
Following, you will be able to see the confession schedule and other services at this place.
✝️ Information about this church and daily phrase
Full name | Holy Name Of Mary Catholic Church |
Address | 22 Jefferson St |
Postal Code | 14731 |
City | Ellicottville |
Country | United States |
Website | http://www.maryellicottville.org |
[email protected] |
🗺️ Location of Holy Name Of Mary Catholic Church
If you desire to discover the signals to be able to go to this church, then we show you the complete plan with the indications in order to make it simpler for you to come to this Catholic church.