821 W. 27th. St., 68845 – Kearney (Nebraska)
If you have come here is because of the fact that you pretend to find out about the Mass times at Newman Center/Univ Of Nebraska Catholic Church (Kearney), is for that reason that you find yourself in the accurate directory, because in this section you’ll find a lot of information about this parish of the city of Kearney.
🕗 All Mass Times at Newman Center/Univ Of Nebraska Catholic Church – Kearney
Here below, you will see some data stating the mass times at Newman Center/Univ Of Nebraska Catholic Church, with different schedules, both morning, afternoon and evening hours of this church.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Saturday | - | 5:30 PM (Vigil) |
Sunday | 9:15 AM 11:00 AM (Arabic) | 12:30 PM (Arabic) |
🛐 Confessions and other services at this church
Below, we will let you see the confession schedule and other services at Newman Center/Univ Of Nebraska Catholic Church.
By appointment…
Contact data about this place of worship and daily photo
Full name | Newman Center/Univ Of Nebraska Catholic Church |
Address | 821 W. 27th. St. |
Postal Code | 68845 |
City | Kearney |
State | Nebraska |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (308) 234-1539 |
Website | http://www.lopercatholic.org/ |
[email protected] |
Location of this place
If you intend to find out the signals to address to this Catholic Church, further down you’re gonna see a complete map together with the signals in order to make it much simpler for you arrive at this sacred place.
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