1043 Lake Ave., 56501 – Detroit Lakes (Minnesota)
You came here due to the fact that you desire to know which is the Mass times at Holy Rosary Catholic Community Catholic Church of Detroit Lakes (Minnesota), that’s why you are currently in the accurate web directory, and it’s because in this section you’ll find extensive information regarding this church in the city of Detroit Lakes (Minnesota).
🕖 All Mass Times at Holy Rosary Catholic Community Catholic Church – Detroit Lakes 2025
Then, you will see some data including the mass times at Holy Rosary Catholic Community Catholic Church de Detroit Lakes (Minnesota), with different schedules, both morning, afternoon and evening hours of this place of worship.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Saturday | - | 5:30 PM (St. Dominic) |
Sunday | 8:00 AM (St. Francis Xavier) 8:30 AM (Our Lady of Snows - 1st 10:30 AM (St. Dominic) | 1:00 PM (Our Lady of Snows - 2nd Sunday) |
🛐 Schedules of confession and services at this parish
Later, we will provide you the confession schedule and other services at this church.
Data of this church and daily phrase
Full name | Holy Rosary Catholic Community Catholic Church |
Address | 1043 Lake Ave. |
Postal Code | 56501 |
City | Detroit Lakes |
State | Minnesota |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (218) 847-1393 |
Website | http://holyrosarycc.org/ |
[email protected] |
🚗 Location of this parish
If you desire to know all signs to be able to go to this site, here below you can have a look at the complete map together with the signals in order to make it easier for you to come to this place.
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