4337 Sal Lentini Pkwy, 70065 – Kenner (Louisiana)
If you have reached our website is due to the fact that you desire to find out about the Mass times at Divine Mercy Catholic Church (Kenner), that´s why you are currently in the accurate webpage, because below you have the details concerning this Catholic church in the city of Kenner (Louisiana).
🕗 All Mass Times at Divine Mercy Catholic Church, Kenner
Here below, we will let you see some data communicating the mass times at Divine Mercy Catholic Church, with different schedules, morning and evening of the Catholic Church.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Monday | – | 6:30 PM |
Tuesday | – | 6:30 PM |
Wednesday | 7:30 AM | – |
Thursday | 7:30 AM | – |
Friday | 7:30 AM | – |
Saturday | – | 4:00 PM (Vigil) |
Sunday | 8:30 AM 10:30 AM |
12:30 PM (Spanish) 5:00 PM |
Confessions and other services at this catholic church
Then, we will provide you the schedule of confessions and services at Divine Mercy Catholic Church.
✝️ Data about this parish and photo of the day
Full name | Divine Mercy Catholic Church |
Address | 4337 Sal Lentini Pkwy |
Postal Code | 70065 |
City | Kenner |
State | Louisiana |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (504) 466-5016 |
Website | http://www.divinemercyparish.org/ |
office@divinemercyparish.org |
How to get to this church?
If you wish to discover the indications to get to Divine Mercy Catholic Church of Kenner (Louisiana), further down you have a map accompanied by the prompts in order to make it much easier for you to come to this place.
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