145 St. Michael Blvd., 47012 – Broookville (Indiana)
You came to this section due to the fact that you request to be aware of the Mass schedule at St. Michael Catholic Church (Broookville), is for that reason that you find yourself in the best web directory, and it’s because in this webpage you’ll see the details about this Catholic church in Broookville.
⏰ Mass Times at St. Michael Catholic Church (Broookville)
Later, you will be able to browse a table communicating the mass times at St. Michael Catholic Church, with different schedules, morning and evening of this church.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM | - |
Thursday | - | 4:00 PM |
Saturday | - | 5:00 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM | - |
Schedule of confession and other services at this catholic church
Below, we will provide you the schedule of confessions and services at St. Michael Catholic Church (Broookville).
During Wednesday Adoration 4:30 PM before Saturday Mass Any time by Appointment
🙏 Contact data of this temple of this parish and daily photo
Full name | St. Michael Catholic Church |
Address | 145 St. Michael Blvd. |
Postal Code | 47012 |
City | Broookville |
State | Indiana |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 7656475462 |
Website | http://www.brookvilleparishes.com/ |
[email protected] |
🚗 How to get to St. Michael Catholic Church?
If you desire to find out all references to get to St. Michael Catholic Church (Broookville), following we show you a complete map with the signals in order to make it easier for you arrive at this sacred place.