4781 E Morris Church St, 47006 – Batesville (Indiana)
If you have reached our website is because you pretend to know which is the times of masses at St. Anthony Catholic Church (Batesville), is for that reason that you have found the best directory, because in this section you will observe extensive information of this church in the city of Batesville (Indiana).
📅 Mass Times at St. Anthony Catholic Church – Batesville 2025
Below, you will see the table including the mass times at St. Anthony Catholic Church de Batesville (Indiana), with different schedules, day and night of this Catholic Church.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Saturday | - | 4:00 PM (St. Bartholomew's) 5:30 PM (St. Anthony’s) |
Sunday | 7:30 AM (St. Anthony's) 9:00 AM (St. Anthony’s) 11:00 AM (St. Bartholomew's) | - |
🙏 Schedules of confession and services at this parish
Following, we will show you the schedule for confession and services at St. Anthony Catholic Church de Batesville (Indiana).
Sat 3:00-3:30 PM St. Bartholomew Sun 7:00-7:15 AM St. Anthony (Summer) Sun 7:30-7:45 AM St. Anthony (other seasons)
⛪ Contact information about this place of worship and daily photo
Full name | St. Anthony Catholic Church |
Address | 4781 E Morris Church St |
Postal Code | 47006 |
City | Batesville |
State | Indiana |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (812) 934-6218 |
Website | http://www.stanthonymorris.org/ |
parishoffice@stanthonymorris.org |
📍 How to get to St. Anthony Catholic Church?
If you want to know the signs to go to this temple, here below you have the complete plan together with the indications in order to make it much easier for you to come to this Catholic church.
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