St Damian Catholic Church (Oak Forest)

5250 155th St, 60452 – Oak Forest (Illinois)

st damian catholic church oak forest 60452

If you have entered our website is because of the fact that you request to be aware of which is the times of masses at St Damian Catholic Church of Oak Forest (Illinois), consequently you find yourself in the best website, and it is because in this section you’ll see the best information referring to this Oak Forest church.

🕖 All Mass Times at St Damian Catholic Church

Following, we will show you the data exposing the mass times at St Damian Catholic Church (Oak Forest), with different schedules, both morning and evening of this parish.

Day Time (Morning) Time (Afternoon)
Monday9:00 AM-
Tuesday9:00 AM-
Wednesday9:00 AM-
Thursday9:00 AM-
Friday9:00 AM-
Saturday9:00 AM5:00 PM (livestream)
Sunday7:30 AM
9:30 AM (livestream)
11:30 AM

🛐 Schedule of confessions and services at this place of worship

Below, we will show you the schedule of confessions and services at this parish.

Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:30 PM in the Confessionals
Everyday: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM; Wednesdays: 9:30 AM to 7:00 PM

Data of interest and photo of the day

Full name St Damian Catholic Church
Address 5250 155th St
Postal Code 60452
City Oak Forest
State Illinois
Country United States
Telephone +1 (708) 687-1370
Email [email protected]
quote06 min

🗺️ Location of St Damian Catholic Church

If you desire to discover the signals in order to get to this temple, here below you’re gonna see a complete map with the indications in order to make it easier for you to come to this Catholic church.

🗺️ Catholic churches next to Oak Forest

2 thoughts on “St Damian Catholic Church (Oak Forest)”

  1. These Mass times are all wrong

    Correct times are
    9:00am Monday through Saturday
    Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am.
    Confessions 3:30-4:30pm Saturdays
    Masses in English only

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