5214 S Western Ave, 90062 – Los Angeles (California)
If you are in this webpage is due to the fact that you request to know which is the Mass times at St Brigid Church of Los Angeles (California), consequently you have found the correct web directory, and it is because in this article you’ll see a lot of information related with this church in the city of Los Angeles (California).
🕖 Mass Times at St Brigid Church 2025
Below, you will be able to see some data communicating the mass times at St Brigid Church de Los Angeles (California), with different schedules, morning and evening of the parish.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Monday | 8:15 AM | - |
Tuesday | 8:15 AM | - |
Wednesday | 8:15 AM | - |
Thursday | 8:15 AM | - |
Friday | 8:15 AM | - |
Saturday | 8:00 AM | 5:00 PM |
Sunday | 8:00 AM 9:30 AM (Spanish) 11:00 AM | - |
🧎♀️ Schedule of confessions and services at this church
Below, you will be able to see the schedule for confession and services at St Brigid Church.
Data of this church and daily image
Full name | St Brigid Church |
Address | 5214 S Western Ave |
Postal Code | 90062 |
City | Los Angeles |
State | California |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (323) 292-0781 |
Website | http://stbrigidchurchla.org |
[email protected] |
🗺️ Location of this place
If you desire to find out the indications to be able to go to this site, following you have the complete plan accompanied by the references in order to make it much simpler for you to arrive.