5011 White Oak Ave, 91316 – Encino (California)
If you are in this section is because you desire to find out about the Mass schedule at Our Lady Of Grace Roman Cthlc Catholic Church of Encino (California), is for that reason that you are located in the right webpage, and it is because below you will have all the information regarding this Catholic church in Encino.
🕐All Mass Times at Our Lady Of Grace Roman Cthlc Catholic Church (Encino) 2025
Later, you will be able to see an index exposing the mass times at Our Lady Of Grace Roman Cthlc Catholic Church, with different schedules, both morning and evening of this church.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Monday | 9:00 AM (Communion Service) | - |
Wednesday | 9:00 AM (Communion Service) | - |
Friday | 8:15 AM | - |
Sunday | 8:00 AM | - |
🙏 Schedule of confessions and services at this catholic church
Later, we are going to provide you the schedule for confession and services at Our Lady Of Grace Roman Cthlc Catholic Church.
Data of interest about this place of worship and daily phrase
Full name | Our Lady Of Grace Roman Cthlc Catholic Church |
Address | 5011 White Oak Ave |
Postal Code | 91316 |
City | Encino |
State | California |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (818) 342-4686 |
Website | https://ourladyofgrace.org/ |
🗺️ Location of this place
If you wish to know the signs in order to get to Our Lady Of Grace Roman Cthlc Catholic Church (Encino), below you can have a look at a map together with the indications in order to make it much easier for you to arrive at the Catholic church.
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