5118 St. Mary’s Ln., 72821 – Altus (Arkansas)
If you have come to our website is because you want to know which is the times of masses at St. Mary Catholic Church of Altus (Arkansas), is for that reason that you are currently in the right directory, because in this section you’ll see all the details of St. Mary Catholic Church (Altus).
⌚ All Mass Times at St. Mary Catholic Church, Altus 2025
Following, you will be able to see a table exposing the mass times at St. Mary Catholic Church (Altus), with different schedules, morning and evening of the church.
🗓 Day | ☀ Time (Morning) | 🌑 Time (Afternoon) |
Saturday | - | 4:30 PM |
Sunday | 8:00 AM 10:30 AM | - |
🧎♀️ Confessions and other services at this catholic church
Following, we will provide you the schedule for confession and services at this temple.
⛪ Data of interest of this church and daily phrase
Full name | St. Mary Catholic Church |
Address | 5118 St. Mary’s Ln. |
Postal Code | 72821 |
City | Altus |
State | Arkansas |
Country | United States |
Telephone | +1 (479) 468-2585 |
Website | http://www.stmarysaltus.org |
stmarysparish@centurytel.net |
📍 How to get to this church?
If you intend to know all indications to be able to go to this site, below you will look the complete plan together with the signals in order to make it simpler for you to arrive at the destination.